Photo Credit by J. H Fair
The transportation, storage, disposal, sale or use of toxic waste from fracking operations has been banned in many counties in New York State and statewide in Connecticut. These laws generally include prohibitions on the acceptance of fracking waste at landfills or water treatment plants, and the purchase or use of "ice treatments" and other road surface materials that use highly contaminated water from fracking operations.
Below is a list of counties that have enacted legislation banning fracking waste. Click on the names to see the legislation itself. If your county has not yet enacted laws to prohibit fracking waste, please contact us for more information and model policies.
Albany County 2013 (property/roads, waste water treatment facilities)
Albany County 2014 (landfills)
Fast Facts
Fracking waste contains radioactive material brought to the surface by drilling as well as a toxic mixture of chemicals used in the fracking process.
Congress has exempted oil and gas waste from the definition of hazardous waste even though it routinely exceeds criteria fro such classification.
Public and private wastewater treatment facilities are not capable of processing the hazardous chemicals and radioactive materials produced by drilling activities.
Consideration of Radiation in Fracking Waste report
Human Health Risks & Exposure Pathways report
Public Health Concerns About Fracking Waste fact sheet
Radioactive Waste Facts
The Road Sign Nobody Wants to See flyer
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