Independent Science on Hydro-Fracking
The following scientific studies on Hydro-Fracking are the property of their respective Copyright owners
I. Health Impacts
1. Natural Gas Operations from a Public Health Perspective (Colborn, Kwiatkowski, Schultz, Bachran) Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, Sept. 2011
2. Impacts of Gas Drilling on Human and Animal Health (Bamberger, Oswald) New Solutions, 2012
3. Understanding Exposure From Natural Gas Drilling Puts Current Air Standards to the Test (Brown, Weinberger, Lewis, Bonaparte) Reviews on Environmental Health, April 2014
4. Investigating Links Between Shale Gas Development and Health Impacts Through A Community Survey Project in Pennsylvania (Steinzor, Subra, Sumi) New Solutions, 2013
5. Birth Outcomes and Maternal Residential Proximity to Natural Gas Development in Rural Colorado (McKenzie, Guo, Witter, Savitz, Newman, Adgate) Environmental Health Perspectives, April 2014
6. Chemical and Biological Risk Assessment for Natural Gas Extraction in New York (Bishop) March 2011
7. The Implications of Unconventional Drilling for Natural Gas, A Global Public Health Concern (Finkel and Hays) Public Health, October 2013
8. An Exploratory Study of Air Quality Near Natural Gas Operations (Colburn, Schultz, Herrick, Kwiatkowksi) Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, November 2012
9. Estrogen and Androgen Receptor Activities of Hydraulic Fracturing Chemicals and Surface and Ground Water in a Drilling-Dense Region (Kassotis, Tillitt, Davis, Hormann, Nagel) General Endocrinology, March 2014
10. Environmental Public Health Dimensions of Shale and Tight Gas Development (Shonkoff, Hays, Finkel) Environmental Health Perspectives, August 2014
11. Fatalities Among Oil and Gas Extraction Workers -- United States 2003-2006 (Node, Conway) CDC MMR Weekly, April 2008
12. Battlement Mesa Draft HIA (Colorado School of Public Health) February 2011
13. Public Health and High Volume Hydraulic Fracturing (Korfmacher, Jones, Malone, Vinci) New Solutions, 2013
II. Water Contamination
14. Potential Contaminant Pathways from Hydraulically Fractured Shale of Aquifers (Myers) National Ground Water Association. Ground Water, April 2012
15. Methane Contamination of Drinking Water Accompanying Gas-Well Drilling and Hydraulic Fracturing (Osborn, Vengosh, Warner, Jackson) PNAS 2011
16. Potential Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing on Water Resources (Swackhamer, University of Minnesota) - Power Point document
17. Investigation of Ground Water Contamination near Pavillion, Wyoming (draft) - (Summary only) (DiGiulio, Wilkin, Miller, Oberly) Environmental Protection Agency, 2011
18. Geochemical Evidence For Possible Natural Migration of Marcellus Formation Brine to Shallow Aquifers in Pennsylvania (Warner, Jackson, Darrah, Osborn, Down, Zhao, White, Vengosh) Proceedings of the National Academies of Science of the United States, 2012
19. Water Pollution Risk Associated with Natural Gas Extraction from the Marcellus Shale (Rozell and Reaven) Risk Analysis, August 2012
III. Air Pollution
20. Human Health Risk Assessment of Air Emissions from Development of Unconventional Natural Gas Resources (McKenzie, Witter, Newman, Adgate) Colorado School of Public Health, 2012
21. Air Pollutant Emissions from Shale Gas Development and Production (Robinson, Carnegie Mellon) - Power Point document
IV. Wastes / Wastewater
22. Organic Substances in Produced and Formation Water from Unconventional Natural Gas Extraction in Coal and Shale (Orem, Tatu, Varonka, Lerch, Bates, Engle, Crosby, McIntosh) International Journal of Coal Geology, January 2014
23. Geochemical Evaluation of Flowback Brine from Marcellus Gas Wells in Pennsylvania, USA (Haluszczak, Rose, Kump) Applied Geochemistry, October 2012
24. Analysis of Reserve Pit Sludge from Unconventional Natural Gas Hydraulic Fracturing and Drilling Operations for the Presence of Technologically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (TENORM) (Rich and Crosby) New Solutions, 2013
V. Wells / Radiation Risks
25. History of Oil and Gas Well Abandonment in New York (Bishop) SUNY College at Oneonta, 2012
26. Radium Content of Oil- and Gas-Field Produced Waters in the Northern Appalachian Basin (Rowan, Engle, Kirby, Kraemer) USGS 2011
VI. Climate Impacts
27. Methane and the Greenhouse Gas Footprint of Natural Gas from Shale Formations (Howarth, Santoro, Ingraffea) Climate Change, 2011
28. Venting and Leaking of Methane from Shale Gas Development: Response to Cathles et al (Howarth, Santoro, Ingraffea) Climate Change, 2012
29. Coal To Gas: The Influence of Methane Leakage (Wigley) Climate Change, August 2011
The documents contained in this digest are the property of the copyright owners and are for educational purposes only.
Compilation prepared by Grassroots Environmental Education, Inc., 184 Main Street, Port Washington, New York 11050.